Toe 2 Toe in action.

Toe 2 Toe in action.
This CLOWN is Brady Lake Village (BLV) police chief Dave Kinney aka Toe 2 Toe and is the reason Brady Lake Village has NO crime watch meetings. In fact Toe 2 Toe needs watched.

Friday, March 9, 2012

COD-=Clowns on Duty,is what has been going on with the leadership in Brady Lake Village.

COD-Clowns on Duty,should be a warning sign on BLV hall,at least twice a month. To see more Brady Lake Village blog sites click on the picture of the Mustang to the right of these comments. To see the blog site that started it all try- CAMP=Caring About More People -If you would like to comment and be anonymous click on comments below these comments.


Dan Boyle said...

Clowns are supposed to be fun,except when they're spending our tax dollars,on what they want,instead of what us tax payers need.

Clarabell Or Flub A Dub? said...

You sure tell it like it is!
The truly sad thing is that they are lacking something when it comes to making major, or any decisions regarding the residents.
I think it's a brain! Or maybe a heart! Or maybe they just don't care about us!
Send in the clowns!

Hal Lehman's the main clown. said...

BLV is now officially broke thanks to the Clowns on Duty at BLV hall.